Can You Eat Weed?
Fresh, high-quality flower is a tantalizing sensory experience. It looks good. It smells good. No one would blame you if the thought crossed your mind, I wonder if it tastes good too? There are many reasons why one might be curious about eating cannabis. Maybe you don’t like to smoke or vape, or perhaps you’re looking for a way to consume your weed that is more discreet. Whatever the reason, when it comes to eating (or drinking) weed, there are a few things to consider, like if the cannabis is raw, cured, or cooked, what benefits you’re hoping to gain, and whether getting high is the goal. In this article, we’ll run through everything you need to know about eating weed, so let’s dig in.
Can You Eat Raw Weed?
First things first. Yes, you can eat raw weed. Raw cannabis is natural, non-toxic vegetation which means it is perfectly safe to eat. Perhaps the better question is should you eat raw cannabis? That really depends on what you are hoping to get out of it. If you are interested in reaping certain nutritional and therapeutic benefits, consuming raw weed might be for you, but what if you’re looking to enjoy a good high?

Will Eating Raw Weed Get You High?
If you’re hoping for a buzz, raw weed isn’t going to get you there. Unfortunately, eating raw cannabis will not get you high. You might be thinking, “Wait, are you sure? I’ve had edibles and they definitely got me high!” Yes, I’m sure they did. The reason why eating raw weed won’t get you high has to do with the difference between the cannabinoid THC and its close relative THCa.
THCa vs. THC
Cannabis plants are known for their abundance of the chemical compounds known as cannabinoids. However, what many people don’t know is that in its raw form, most of those cannabinoids exist as precursors known as carboxylic acids. So inside of raw cannabis, you aren’t going to find an abundance of THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid that gets you high. Instead, raw cannabis is typically loaded with the carboxylic acid known as THCa. If you want to get deeper into THCa, you can read our blog here, but essentially it is an acidic precursor waiting to be converted into THC. On its own, THCa cannot bind to the receptors throughout your endocannabinoid system (ECS) that create psychoactive effects. Because raw cannabis has not gone through the process by which THCa is converted into THC, eating it will not get you high. This process is called decarboxylation.
The process of converting a carboxylic acid to a cannabinoid is simple. You just apply heat. When you take weed and smoke it, vaporize it, or cook it, it goes through this conversion process. This turns the acidic precursors that are stored in your flower into cannabinoids, like turning THCa into THC for example.
That does not mean there’s no benefit to consuming raw weed, though. Maybe you aren’t looking to get high. Maybe you just want to add a nutrient dense green to your diet that may also provide you with some healing benefits that you are unlikely to find elsewhere.
Benefits of Eating Raw Weed
In its raw form cannabis is essentially a leafy green and it has a lot of the same nutritional value that you would expect from one. Also, because of the unique chemical composition of raw cannabis, it can also have some therapeutic effects beyond just vitamins and minerals. It is worth noting that the flower you can buy from a retailer or dispensary is not likely to be raw. Cannabis flower is almost always cured and dried in the process of readying it for sale because fresh cannabis flower contains too much moisture to be smoked. Truly raw cannabis has not gone through this curing process. Let’s look at the benefits of eating raw cannabis.

Nutritional Value
Cannabis plants are a great source of fiber and are packed with nutrients that your body needs to function at its healthiest. Many of these compounds can be lost in the process of drying, curing, or cooking. Consuming cannabis raw is one way to make sure you maintain the bioavailability of the nutrients it contains, which include:
- Vitamin K – supports blood clotting
- Vitamin C – vital for immune system
- Iron – maintains blood oxygen
- Zinc – helps immune system and metabolism
- Calcium – supports bones and teeth
- Folate – encourages DNA and cell regeneration
- Potassium – maintains blood pressure and muscle health
- Selenium – antioxidant that supports metabolism
- Carotenoids – antioxidant that encourages cell growth
Therapeutic effects
Raw cannabis is more than just nutritious! The carboxylic acids and terpenes found in raw cannabis can also have therapeutic effects that help the body function at peak performance. Some of these effects are:
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Promotion of cell function
- Neuroprotective effects
- Support of autophagy (removal of damaged cells)
- Stimulation of antioxidant performance
If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of consuming raw cannabis, you can learn all you need to know here and here. Now that we understand what the potential benefits are of consuming raw cannabis, we just need to figure out what is the best way to do so.
Best Way to Consume Raw Cannabis
There may be a solid list of upsides to consuming raw weed, but the taste and the texture aren’t exactly landing at the top. If you just chomp into a fresh bud, you are not likely to walk away raving about your five-star dining experience. If you are interested in adding raw cannabis to your diet, there is a tasty way to enjoy all the benefits: juicing.

Fresh pressed juices and smoothies will make sure that none of the valuable nutrients are lost through the process of cooking, and fresh raw cannabis can be combined with other tasty fruits and vegetables to create a treat that is not only packed with vitamins and minerals but is also delicious and refreshing. If adding fresh cannabis to your daily green juice or smoothie sounds like something you are interested in, you can read more about the benefits and find some helpful tips and recipes here.
Cannabis Edibles
We’ve established that eating your raw weed might be healthy for you, but it just isn’t going to get you high. But what if you want to get high, you just don’t want to smoke or vape? Fret not, there is a whole wide world of cannabis edibles that can help you get where you want to go.

How Are Edibles Made?
While eating raw cannabis won’t get you high, edibles don’t have the same problem because of how they are made. When making edibles, cannabis plants are processed, or ‘cooked’, so that the carboxylic acids in the plants can be converted into cannabinoids and then concentrated into a distillate or crystal form. Cannabinoids are fat soluble, so these concentrates are typically combined with a butter or oil before being added to whatever edible is being made. Once they enter the body, these cannabinoid enriched fats can be processed by the digestive system where they enter the bloodstream and are distributed throughout your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).
Benefits of Edibles
There are many benefits to choosing edibles as your go-to method for a cannabis high. Some of the upsides are practical in nature, others are therapeutic. First, let’s look at reasons why you might choose edibles over alternatives like smoking or vaping.
- Non-toxic – While smoking weed is generally considered safe, there are studies that show that inhaling smoke can introduce toxins into the lungs.
- Discreet – Edibles don’t leave behind any telltale odors or clouds, making them less noticeable if you’re trying to fly under the radar.
- Accurate Dosing – Edibles purchased from a reputable retailer will have the dosage clearly stated on the packaging so you can be sure of what and how much you are taking.
- Long Lasting – While smoking or vaping will get you high quicker, the high from an edible typically lasts longer because it enters the bloodstream through the digestive system rather than the lungs.
Cannabis edibles also have recreational and therapeutic benefits. You can read about them in depth at Medical News Today, but some of the benefits include:
- Anxiety relief
- Pain management
- Sleep aid
- Appetite stimulation
- Anti-inflammatory effects
- Neuroprotective properties
- Euphoria
- Stimulation of creativity
Types of Edibles
Cannabis edibles offer a wide variety of options, so deciding what’s best for you is a matter of preference. These options include:
- Gummies
- Chocolates
- Hard candies
- Baked goods
- Beverages
- Tinctures
- Cooking oils and butters
Homemade Edibles
You aren’t just limited to the edibles you can buy. Making your own edibles is a fun and easy way to add cannabis to your favorite snacks and drinks. I mentioned before that cannabinoids are fat soluble, so pretty much anything that you make with butter or oil can be turned into an edible. Cannabinoids are also alcohol soluble, so cannabis cocktails are another route you can take. If you’re interested in learning about making your own homemade edibles, read our blog here to get some helpful tips and tricks.
Time to Dig In
When it comes to eating weed, there are a buffet of options in front of you. Raw cannabis can offer a variety of nutritional and therapeutic benefits when added to your diet, and if it isn’t cooked you don’t have to worry about getting high. If getting high is exactly what you want, cannabis edibles offer a convenient and discreet way to get the job done. With a little effort and know-how, you can even make your own edibles at home. The Green Dragon has a wide assortment of edibles, as well as flower you can use to make your own. If you aren’t sure where to start or what’s best for you, we’ve got your back there too. Just reach out through our contact page and one of our knowledgeable representatives will point you in the right direction. Have a favorite edible or homemade recipe? We’d love to hear about that too! Tell us all about it in the comment section below this article. All that’s left to do is to decide what you are hungry for!