Dab Rigs & Kits

Dab Rigs are traditional water pipes that are used to inhale your favorite dabs. They are simple to use, help your dabs taste better, and can create an enhanced and powerful smoking experience. Find your next dab rig from our quality collection!
A dab rig is a water pipe (much like a bong) that is used to inhale dabs (unlike a bong). There are many different types, shapes, and sizes of dab rigs, but most act and can be used in about the same manner.
Here's how to use your dab rig:
1.Add water to your dab rig’s chamber.
Test the waterline by inhaling with no banger in the downstem. If water backsplashes into your mouth, you have too much water in the rig. You need to pour some out.
Use your torch to heat the banger until it gets red because it’s so hot. You want to apply the torch to the outside and bottom because that’s where you’ll load the concentrate.
2.Wait 30-45 seconds for it to cool down once the banger is hot.
If it is too hot, it will scorch your concentrate, and that’s not how you do dabs.
3.Apply the wax onto the banger with your dabber, then slowly inhale it through the mouthpiece.
Rotate the dabber tip on the hot banger to avoid wasting any wax stuck on it. Use a long, slow inhale because most of the concentrate doesn’t vaporize instantly.
4.Cover the dab with a carb cap and finish inhaling.
The cap helps regulate the airflow and gives you a better hit. This is how to hit a dab rig.
5.Exhale the vapor and repeat the process.
Remember to be cautious when you first begin dabbing. You don’t want to over-consume the concentrate and green out. It’s easy to do when dabs are so potent.
Read about the different types of wax dabs here.
Check out our blog on how to clean your glass here.