How Different Doses of Weed Affect You
Cannabis contains a multitude of compounds that interact with your biology to create a sensation of “being high,” relaxation, or other therapeutic effects. Those compounds, called “bioactive” compounds, can also lead to therapeutic effects like pain and stress relief. Conversely, they could result in anxiety or paranoia. Striking the right balance and the right dose is the key to using cannabis effectively.
When it comes to weed dosing, there is no one size fits all. That’s because so many variables come into play when it comes to weed dose and bioavailability. The variability stems from the plant itself, the delivery method, and the person taking the drug. The key thing to understand is that many different factors contribute to how much of the active compounds get into your system.
In this article, we’re breaking down all the factors that come into play when it comes to weed dose. We’ll also tackle questions like: how long does weed stay in your system? And can you overdose on weed?

The Active Components of Weed
We can’t break down cannabis dosing without talking about the most important compound, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. THC is just one of hundreds of bioactive compounds present in weed, but it’s extra important because it is the one that gets you high. Although it is not the only compound that has psychotropic effects, it is the only one naturally present at high enough concentration to have that effect.
How much THC gets into your bloodstream is what determines how high you become. The type of high you get (whether anxious, energized, or relaxed) is also related to other bioactive compounds in cannabis. For example, CBD is another bioactive compound that is structurally very similar to THC. It even interacts with the same receptors. However, CBD is not psychotropic, so it won’t make you high. In fact, it has even been shown to mitigate the negative effects of THC.

What is the Entourage Effect?
Most regular users know through experimentation which strains of cannabis work best for them, and it doesn’t necessarily have to do with the concentrations of THC and CBD. That’s because other bioactive compounds in weed could also alter the quality of your high. Although we have the most scientific information about CBD, it is undeniable that other compounds are important as well. This idea has been called “the entourage effect.” Notice, this is not necessarily about the strength of your high, but rather the type of high.

Different Doses of Weed
One of the obvious ways to control your high is to read the label. How much THC is in the product? The more THC in the product, the more THC could potentially get into your system. The more THC in your system, the more THC gets absorbed into your bloodstream. And that’s what makes you feel high.
As we mentioned above, the amount of CBD in the product will also have an effect on the quality of your high. Looking for the highest possible ratio of THC to CBD is probably not the best idea, because you are more likely to feel anxious or have a bad experience.
Method of Administration
But here’s the key thing to understand. The dose of THC is not the only important thing. That’s because the method of administration (how you smoke it or eat it) can also have a huge impact on how much THC gets into your system.
Smoking Versus Edibles
Smoking is the fastest and most efficient way to get THC into your bloodstream. That’s because when you smoke, the cannabis need not be processed by your digestive system. It can directly enter your bloodstream via the lungs.
But smoking can be incredibly variable, depending on your technique, device, and even your experience. For example, experienced smokers can achieve higher blood levels of THC compared to casual users. Research even suggests that people naturally (and subconsciously) adjust their technique to control their dosage.

Edibles are known for a long wait time, but a bigger punch. That’s because when you consume weed through your digestive system, most of the THC gets metabolized to another potent psychotropic compound called 11-hydroxy-THC. This new compound is present in much higher quantities when you take edibles compared to when you smoke.
When it comes to edibles, there are other important variables too. It is a myth that consuming cannabis alongside chocolate or mango will enhance your high. However, consuming cannabis alongside a meal, especially a fatty meal, is a proven way to enhance the bioavailability of THC and CBD.

Individual Variation
We’ve already mentioned a couple of ways that experience can play in your favor when it comes to smoking technique and choice of strain. One way that experience can actually play against you is that it will cause you to build up a tolerance. The main receptor responsible for your high is downregulated by up to 20% in chronic users. So, if you consume weed regularly, you may need a higher dose to get the same effect.
It isn’t just about experience. Some people are just more susceptible to cannabis to begin with. Some people are more prone to have a good experience, while others are more likely to feel anxious or paranoid.
For example, age is an important consideration. As we age, our metabolism slows, and we process bioactive compounds differently. Older people are also more likely to be on medications that may interact with cannabis.

Set and Setting
On a related note, have you ever heard about the concept of set and setting? These concepts encompass your physical and emotional state and environment when you consume a drug. Scientific research shows that set and setting can explain most, if not all, of the variation in experiences.
Short-term circumstances like mood and surroundings all play a role in your experience. But less changeable traits like your personality, your culture, and your society are equally important.

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?
For inhaled THC, you can expect concentrations to peak and plateau within a few minutes. After an hour or two, the effects will begin to decline. Edible THC takes a bit longer, since it must be processed via the digestive system and the liver.
Most of the effects will disappear within a few hours. Obviously, there is room for variation depending on the concentration of THC that was smoked.
However, traces of THC and its metabolites may still be detected in the urine up to several weeks later. This is true whether the THC was smoked or eaten.

Can You Overdose on Weed?
Acute cannabis toxicity is rare, though not unheard of. Orals pose a greater risk of overconsumption compared to inhaled cannabis. Children are at a greater risk compared to adults. If you suspect you have overdosed, contact your local poison control, or call 911.
Chronic use of cannabis poses its own dangers. There is a well-established (if not well characterized) relationship between heavy cannabis use and psychosis. Yet another critical reason to pay attention to dosing and consume responsibly.

Weed Dosing Guide
Given all the variables that can contribute to weed dose, it can be tricky to make a clear-cut dosing guide. Let’s compile everything we’ve learned so far and come up with some general rules.
1. Start low and test it out. This is true whether you're new to weed, or trying a new product or strain. Leave room to account for both strain-to-strain and person-to-person variability.
2. Pay attention to the ratio of THC to CBD. A higher ratio of THC to CBD is more likely to result in negative side effects such as anxiety.
3. Remember that smoking technique is highly variable. “One puff” is not an accurate measure of anything, especially if you’re comparing your technique to someone else’s.
4. Expect edibles to be stronger, but to take longer to set in. Give it an hour or so before adjusting your dose.
5. Expect bioavailability to increase when you consume THC alongside a meal, or with fats.
6. Pay attention to your mindset and your environment. This is by far the best way to ensure a positive experience.
As always, feel free to contact us for a free consultation if you have any questions about appropriate dosing of our products.