How to Decarb Weed
Decarboxylation is the chemical reaction that has single-handedly turned every weed lover into an avid chemistry student.
If you slept through high school chemistry and this is all the sudden becoming interesting to you, never fear. We’re here to get you caught up.

What is Decarboxylation?
Decarboxylation is an aptly named chemical reaction that involves removing the carboxyl group from a molecule. This is important for cannabis users because the cannabinoids that are naturally present in weed are in their carboxylated form, which is not psychoactive. These precursors need to be decarboxylated to create the familiar cannabinoids THC and CBD.
As a refresher, THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol, the predominant psychotropic compound in weed. CBD stands for cannabidiol, which also produces psychoactive (though not psychotropic) effects. In other words, THC gets you high. CBD won’t get you high per se, but contributes to your experience in other important ways. THC and CBD are the two most significant psychoactive compounds present in cannabis.

We often talk about how much THC or CBD is present in cannabis. But if we’re being technical, cannabis contains negligible amounts of THC or CBD. That’s why if you eat cannabis without preparing it first, nothing happens.
The precursor to THC is called THCA. The A stands for acid. THCA is simply THC with a carboxyl group tacked on to it.
The carboxyl group looks like this:

The carboxyl group is easily released from the molecule, and that process is called “decarboxylation.” We’re left with the decarboxylated form of the molecule, which is psychoactive.
The same thing happens for all of the other familiar cannabinoids. CBDA undergoes decarboxylation to produce CBD. CBGA undergoes decarboxylation to produce CBG. And so on.
Long story short, if you want to get high on weed, you have some chemistry to do.
What Happens if You Don’t Decarb Weed?
If you consume the cannabis flower without decarbing first, you won’t get high. However, some research suggests that the acidic forms of cannabinoids may still have biological significance. CBDA and THCA may exhibit certain health promoting properties, including:
· Anti-inflammatory
· Neuroprotective
· Anti-hyperalgesia
Thanks to these properties, acidic cannabinoids are considered potential therapies for neurodegeneration disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease.

How to Decarb Weed
Acidic cannabinoids are thermally unstable, which means they break down readily when exposed to heat or light. This can happen during smoking, baking, or pretty much any way you’re used to consuming weed. If you’re planning to make edibles from cannabis, then you need to be sure to decarboxylate first. (If you purchase weed edibles or gummies, then the process has been done for you.)
Heating weed is a delicate process. Not only do we have to worry about the thermally-sensitive acidic cannabinoids, we also have the aroma and flavor compounds to think about.
Volatile aromatic compounds are the compounds that give weed its characteristic aroma. The flavor nuances between strains are an important component of the cannabis experience. A class of aromatic compounds known as terpenes are the compounds that are primarily responsible for the flavor of cannabis. Many key terpenes have low boiling points and/or low thermal stability, and are easily lost during the heating process.
That is why you need to strike a balance between heating weed hot enough and long enough that you allow decarboxylation to occur, but not overheating to the point that you cause degradation and loss of flavor.
Another consideration is side reactions that may take place. For example, THC is known to turn into CBN in the presence of oxygen and light, which can easily happen during the decarboxylation process. CBN is yet another cannabinoid. While it’s not psychotropic, it can nonetheless change your experience by decreasing THC potency and contributing other psychoactive effects. Side reactions can also result in significant losses of CBD and CBG, as well as other cannabinoids that have yet to be tested.
How Long to Decarb Weed
A 2016 study looked at how long it took to decarboxylate acidic cannabinoids at various times and temperatures.
They found that at temperatures lower than 100 deg C, decarboxylation of THCA to THC was still not complete after an hour. While this low temperature may be great for preserving heat-sensitive flavor compounds, you may not get the full psychotropic potency of your cannabis.
When the researchers upped the temperature to 145 deg C, decarboxylation of THCA was completed in just 6 minutes. The full results for THCA decarboxylation are displayed in the table below, with the corresponding decarb temp and time for the reaction to go to completion.

How to Decarb Weed in Oven
To decarb weed in the oven, common protocols recommend using a decarb temp of around 220 deg F, or 105 deg C, for about 30 minutes. This is in alignment with the data we showed above, which suggests that decarboxylation takes about 30 minutes for weed heated at 110 deg C.
With this in mind, you can follow the usual principles of baking.
1. Pre-heat the oven to 220 deg F.
2. Grind your cannabis to an even consistency. This can be done with your hands or using a grinder.
3. Spread your cannabis evenly over a baking sheet.
4. Since oven temperatures have some variation, keep an eye on your cannabis during the cooking process, giving the occasional stir to ensure even cooking. You can expect your cannabis to turn a golden brown and begin to give off toastier aromas.
5. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool.
As with cookies and toast, you may find through experience that you have a flavor preference for your decarboxylated weed. Feel free to experiment with different times and temperatures, keeping in mind the principals of decarboxylation and aroma chemistry.

How to Decarb Weed in the Microwave
If you’re not a flavor snob, then a microwave will also work in a pinch. Spread your cannabis over a microwave-safe glass dish, and heat for 60-90 seconds. You may need to experiment based on the power of your microwave. As with oven-baking, you’re looking for the weed to turn golden-brown, not burnt. Similarly, the aroma should be toasty, but not burnt.
How to Make Weed Butter
If you want to get extra fancy, you can take your decarboxylation prowess a step further by making weed butter. To do this, you’ll want to follow the oven decarboxylation protocol specified above. After that, you can take your decarboxylated weed and infuse it in a fat or your choice. The reason this works is because cannabinoids are fat-soluble compounds.
This step is a bit time-consuming, because you’ll want to let the fat and the decarboxylated weed simmer, covered, at low heat for up to 4 hours. For every ½ ounce of weed, try using about 8 oz. of fat, and 1 ½ cups of water. When the infusion is finished, strain the mixture and store your weed butter in the fridge.

Final Considerations for Weed Decarboxylation
1. Use an appropriate time and temperature such that the decarboxylation reaction goes to completion
2. Don’t go too hot, since this will compromise both flavor and potency
3. In general, we recommend decarboxylating weed at 220 deg F for about 30 minutes.
4. Don’t be afraid to experiment and see what works for you!
If you have any other questions regarding decarboxylation, or any of our products, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.