Rolling Up the Facts! The Truth Behind Weed and Weight Gain
Ah, the age old question: does weed make you gain weight?
Many people have the misconception that smoking weed will make them gain weight. The truth is that weed does not cause weight gain unless you eat massive quantities of calorie-rich food while high or don’t exercise at all.
Moreover, studies have shown that people who smoke weed have lower BMIs and obesity rates than non-users. In this article, we will explore the various reasons why weed doesn't make you gain weight.
Boosts Appetite

Many people who use cannabis find that it boosts their appetite, leading to cravings for specific types of food. This is known colloquially as “the munchies,” and it is a common side effect of using marijuana.
The munchies are a result of the way Delta-9-THC interacts with your body’s ECS receptors. It increases the production of hormones that regulate hunger, including ghrelin, which stimulates your stomach to signal to the brain that you are hungry. In the short term, this can lead to a dramatic increase in your appetite and cravings for food that is high in fat, sugar, or carbohydrates. This can be dangerous for someone trying to lose weight, since it can lead you to consume excessive amounts of calories that may make you gain weight.
Luckily, there are ways to mitigate the effects of the munchies. For instance, you can smoke or vape strains that are low in THC, which will reduce the arousing effects of the drug and help you curb your appetite. Additionally, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly can also help you to lose weight.
**Note that this isn’t just related to THC! We have another great article discussing how CBD helps you lose weight as well.
Marijuana users often find that it makes them want to eat more, and this is one of the reasons why the drug is so popular among people who are trying to gain weight. The munchies can be used to your advantage, though, if you learn how to control them and make the right choices with your diet.
In addition to boosting your appetite, the cannabinoids in marijuana can make foods taste better and improve your mood. This can motivate you to eat healthier meals and snacks, and it can also help you to accelerate your calorie burn by ensuring that your body has enough fuel to perform its necessary functions. The best way to avoid overeating while high is to use your heightened appetite to try new and exciting culinary experiences that would otherwise go unexplored. For example, try a different type of pizza or explore your options for healthy desserts. It’s also important to hydrate, and drinking plenty of water can not only aid in weight loss but can also help you get rid of the “munchies” faster.
Reduces Calorie Intake

It might seem counterintuitive given the long-standing stereotypes associated with stoners eating massive quantities of junk food, but weed actually may help you lose weight. In fact, studies show that cannabis users, on average, have lower BMIs than non-users. What’s more, despite consuming more calories than non-users, marijuana users tend to have better weight-to-height ratios.
The answer to this paradox lies in the way that weed affects appetite and metabolism. We’ve known for some time that, within minutes of lighting up a joint, your metabolic rate increases by 25%. And that boost in the metabolic process helps burn more calories throughout the day.
What’s more, THCV (tetrahydrocannabinol, or CBCV) — the cannabinoid found in cannabis that makes you feel sleepy and relaxed — reduces your hunger. It does this by blocking the action of CB1 receptors, which activate the “hunger” signal in your brain. This decrease in hunger leads to fewer calories being consumed, which helps maintain a healthy weight.
Furthermore, studies from places like CannaMD show that weed can also reduce fat mass. This is because it alters the molecular makeup of fat cells, so they don’t store as much fat. That’s good news for anyone struggling with a chronic illness that makes them prone to excessive weight gain, like HIV or cancer.
In addition to these effects, a number of other factors that can contribute to weight gain or loss, including stress, pain, and hormone levels. That’s why it’s important to make healthy choices if you’re going to use marijuana, whether it’s recreational or medical.
Overall, there’s no evidence that weed causes sudden weight gain, but there is evidence to suggest it could be beneficial for those with certain conditions that can lead to weight issues, such as pain, poor sleep quality, and depression. In addition, if you exercise regularly and eat well-balanced meals, a little weed can work in your favor, too. The key is to know your limits. If you’re going to indulge in the munchies, just remember that it takes a while for your body to process THC and other cannabinoids, so don’t overdo it! And if you don’t want to take our word for it, check out this news story on a recent study into if smoking weed makes you gain weight or not.
Increases Energy Levels

When people use cannabis, it’s common to feel an increase in their energy levels. This is due to the fact that THC is known to boost metabolism, allowing the body to burn fat and calories faster. In addition, marijuana can reduce feelings of stress and fatigue, which are both factors in feeling tired.
The way weed increases your energy is also related to the effect it has on appetite. When you smoke or eat cannabis, it activates certain receptors in the brain that trigger hunger. This is why many people who use marijuana experience “the munchies.” The munchies are insatiable cravings for salty, sweet, or carb-rich foods. These cravings can lead to overeating, which can cause weight gain.
However, the good news is that if you are trying to lose weight, marijuana can actually help you. It’s not because it decreases your appetite, but because of other effects, such as reducing pain and anxiety. In addition, studies show that frequent marijuana users tend to have a lower BMI than non-users. We’ve actually discussed this topic on weed and working out in greater detail in another blog you can find here.
In addition to the above, weed can increase your energy levels by stimulating the brain and nervous system, which leads to an increased heart rate, blood flow, and breathing. In addition, when smoking weed, your taste buds will change, and you may find that you crave healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables. This will help you to eat more healthily and speed up your calorie burning, which can result in weight loss.
Another reason why some people who use marijuana may end up losing weight is that it can reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a natural process that is part of your immune system’s defense against illness and injury. However, chronic inflammation can cause a number of problems including obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Cannabis can reduce inflammation in the body by blocking the production of certain enzymes that promote the growth of fat cells.
If you are concerned about the effects of weed on your weight, be sure to talk with a medical professional. They can advise you on what type of cannabis is best for you and your specific needs.
Enhances Fat Burning

A lot of people think that smoking weed makes you gain weight, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, some studies have shown that weed use may help you lose weight. This is partly because of how weed affects your appetite and metabolism. It is also because weed can cause your tastes to change and make you want healthier foods.
It is true that THC, the main mind-altering cannabinoid in weed, stimulates appetite and causes the “munchies.” These are intense cravings for sweet, salty, or carbohydrate-rich foods. The munchies can lead to eating too many calories and gaining weight. However, if you stick to a healthy diet and avoid the junk food that gives you the munchies, then it is possible to maintain your weight and even lose some pounds.
Another factor that contributes to weed’s ability to promote weight loss is its ability to suppress the production of ghrelin, which is an appetite-stimulating hormone. In addition, weed can actually increase your metabolic rate. This is because the cannabinoids in weed encourage fat cells to break down and release their stored energy.
In addition to this, the cannabinoid THCV (tetrahydrocannabinol) in weed has been found to reduce appetite. This can be a great way to help you lose weight because it reduces your cravings for unhealthy foods while helping you burn more calories.
Lastly, weed has been shown to decrease the inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a normal part of the immune system, but too much inflammation can lead to obesity and other health problems. This is why it is important to maintain a healthy diet and not overuse cannabis or other drugs that can increase your risk of inflammation.
Despite getting the munchies, frequent marijuana users tend to be leaner and less prone to diabetes than those who don’t use it. The reason might be due to the molecular changes that occur in the fat cells of frequent cannabis users. In particular, those who use marijuana frequently during adolescence might experience a disruption of the fine-tuned process that governs fat storage and a disturbance in how the cells release the nutrients they have stored.
‘Til Next Time!
So, there you have it, folks! Turns out, weed and weight gain aren't exactly as closely related as many think. We've cruised through the myths and scientific deets to find that toking up doesn't automatically lead to packing on the pounds. Sure, the munchies might swing by for a visit, but with a bit of moderation, you can keep things in check. Remember, it's all about balance and living your best, relaxed life.
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