2021 New Year's Interview with STPeach (Lisa)
The start of a New Year always includes time to reflect, recharge, and kickstart resolutions! Here at The Green Dragon CBD, we’re grateful for our hard-working team and awesome brand ambassadors. Last week, we hopped on Discord for a virtual chat with one of our long-term partners, Lisa (@StPeach)! Even in these times, we’re fortunate to connect with our team and continue to motivate each other to reach new goals.
Who’s Lisa (@STPeach)?
Lisa, otherwise known as STPeach, is known in the gaming world for her Twitch live streaming channel. Lisa (STPeach) has an eclectic range of games that she enjoys with her community. Not to mention, she is avidly on all social platforms via YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
Lisa vlogs with her gaming community with reviews, tips, and cosplay. Additionally, she vlogs about her recent move from Canada to California and life with her new marriage. Find her on social to see CBD in her daily life. She’s recently had a taste test of some products and even baked some delicious CBD muffins!
We connected with Lisa and asked her about her day-to-day, 2021 goals and how CBD has helped her in her journey. Read on and hear what she has to say!
Feel free to use the code PEACH16 for 16% off on all products and support Lisa's partnership! You can shop some of her favorites at STPeach's Favorites.
Interview With Lisa (@StPeach)
Congratulations on officially continuing the partnership with The Green Dragon CBD for all of 2021. How has the partnership been for you and what do you value most about continuing the relationship for another full year?
Lisa: The thing that I value the most about my partnership with The Green Dragon CBD is truly the team. I can honestly say that I’ve genuinely enjoyed working with David and Matthew. There are a lot of different CBD brands out there, but The Green Dragon CBD has such great people AND they offer great products and prices. I’m very grateful that we can work together another year and continue to grow our partnership and our businesses. I’ve been partnering with this team for some time and it’s been awesome to come along for this ride!
You have so much going on between your social media channels, moving into a new house, growing business partnerships, and more. How do you balance it all?
Lisa: That’s a great question. Haha! I just kind of take it one day at a time. I’m lucky that I’ve been able to partner with people that have been awesome to work with and that my community is super understanding if I need to take a day off or some time for myself. I’m grateful for the flexibility that I have with the partnerships that I have and the community that I’ve been able to build.
Any interesting New Year’s Resolutions or goals for 2021?
Lisa: Be more organized for sure, I did just buy a calendar so that I can better keep track of everything. Another resolution for 2021 is to learn Korean. I’m making sure that I study at least ten minutes per day! Even just taking these ten minutes for something that I’d like to do for myself will make a difference.
Lisa (StPeach) + CBD
What has been the response to CBD and Delta 8 THC from your community?
Lisa: The response has overall been great. Even those who are skeptical of CBD have been receptive to learning more from other experiences. Those in my community that already like CBD have been willing to give Delta 8 THC a try and it has been working well for them. There are so many great products for so many to try.
Do you use CBD or Delta 8 THC products as part of your daily life?
Lisa: Delta 8 THC, I’ve taken a handful of times. However, I take CBD every single morning and night and it truly has changed my life. I use CBD nighttime tablets if I feel like I can’t go to sleep, my mind is going a million miles an hour or I just know that I have a big day ahead and that I need a good night’s sleep. Other days, I’ll start with a tincture, take a few drops and call it a day!
What’s your CBD product of choice?
Lisa: It’s hard to pick but there are a few that stand out. Firstly, I recommend the Savage CBD’s Full-Spectrum Tincture in the Peach Pear flavor. It’s not super strong or overbearing but it has a nice taste. It’s my favorite way to start and end my day! Secondly, I also have been giving the Honest Paws cat tincture to my cats to help them with their anxiety. Finally, After a day at the gym, I also like to decompress with the Green Roads Muscle & Joint Cooling Roll-On.
StPeach Recommendations
Savage CBD Full-Spectrum Tincture (Peach Pear) - This is a delicious, fruity way to take CBD. This full-spectrum product combines CBD with MCT coconut oil, hemp seed oil, and other terpenes. These are available in several other flavors and strengths.
Honest Paws Cat Tincture - This is an extremely popular product with many cat owners. Each 1ml serving of this CBD cat formula delivers 4mg of CBD. If your cat suffers from anxiety, it may be something to consider!
Green Roads Muscle & Joint Cooling Roll-On - This roll-on is recommended for any muscle and joint pain, allowing you to easily roll it on to the affected area. This combines CBD with menthol to help with cooling relief. It's also available in heat-relief varieties.
If you had one message for people reading this who don’t know much about CBD or might be considering it, what would you say to them?
Lisa: Just give it an honest try. All of those in my community that give it a try often end up buying CBD again. CBD has genuinely helped my overall happiness. Finally, I don’t have anxiety throughout the day anymore. If my anxiety kicks in before I go to bed, I just take CBD and end up falling right asleep. I’m grateful for my partnership with The Green Dragon CBD because I wouldn’t have given CBD a proper chance otherwise.
STPeach & The Green Dragon CBD
STPeach is active on Twitch (stpeach) and streams with our The Green Dragon CBD team every month, so head to her channel. You’ll also find her sharing our CBD products and how they fit into her daily life on Instagram @lisapeachy.