The Effects of THC and Mushrooms Together: How They Interact
Mixing THC and mushrooms may seem like the ultimate way to blast off into space, but we’re here to spell out a cautionary tale. You might not face any serious health risks if you consume both at once, but you might be in for a crappy time. If you’ve already mixed substances, don’t worry – there are steps you can take to get through to the other side without causing a panic. Let’s dive into what you need to know about combining mushrooms and THC.
Getting to Know THC and Mushrooms
Before you can introduce THC and mushrooms to each other, you’ll need to make sure you know them individually. Understanding each substance’s effects can help you recognize when you’ve taken enough – and when it might be okay to add something new to the equation.
Effects of THC and Cannabis
The effects of THC can vary depending on dosage and how you consume it. THC works by binding to brain cell receptors that your body uses to regulate things like mood, appetite, and pain. But THC isn’t necessarily a welcomed guest – it over-activates parts of the brain enough to cause the classic “high” we associate with marijuana. The effects of THC can include:
- Mood changes: a sense of euphoria
- Openness to new things or ideas
- Increased appetite
- Altered perception (colors may look brighter, or sounds may seem strange)
- Impaired balance, coordination, and movement
- Changes in perception of time
- Difficulty with cognitive tasks like memory or problem-solving
- In rare cases, when taken in extreme doses, hallucinations, delusions, and psychosis may occur
These effects usually peak around 15-60 minutes after smoking or inhaling THC, depending on the amount and your tolerance. They dissipate after about two to three hours. When THC is consumed orally – via an edible, for example – it takes about 30 minutes to an hour to kick in. The effects are likely to last much longer, though, sometimes for up to six to eight hours.
Taking too much THC or having a low tolerance can increase your risk of experiencing adverse effects. Luckily, most aren’t serious and should resolve on their own. Some potential side effects of THC use might include:
- Red eyes
- Headaches
- Dry mouth
- Increased heart rate
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
Effects of Mushrooms
When we talk about mushrooms, we primarily mean mushrooms containing psilocybin – AKA magic mushrooms. Psilocybin is an intense hallucinogenic that creates powerful effects, which usually appear around 30 minutes after ingestion. A shroom “trip” leads to major changes in perception and cognition, including effects like:
- Euphoria
- Changes in mood or thought patterns
- Fast breathing
- Accelerated or slowed heart rate
- Nausea and vomiting
- Headaches
- Sweating
- Chills and tremors
- Increased body temperature
- Pupil dilation
In most cases, shroom trips last about three to six hours. The trip may come on even faster and more intensely if you choose to steep your mushrooms in tea – in this case, you’ll feel the effects in as little as five to 10 minutes.
There are many potential benefits of magic mushrooms, but there are also other mushrooms that can offer therapeutic benefits. Legal trippy mushrooms like A. muscaria, which contains muscimol, can also be used for introspection and intense sensory experiences.
What Happens When You Mix Mushrooms and THC?

We don’t know precisely what will happen if you mix mushrooms and THC; it can vary significantly from person to person. Some of the factors that might affect how you experience each one individually and combined include:
- Your tolerance level(s)
- Your dose(s)
- Your body size
- Whether you’ve eaten, taken other substances/medications, etc.
Likewise, your experiences will probably depend on when you choose to mix things up.
THC Before a Trip
Smoking THC before a mushroom trip may help with the nausea and anxiety that tend to accompany the “come up” period. Some people tend to vomit when they begin to trip, which obviously isn’t very helpful – you might lose all your hard-earned shrooms! But THC can potentially be a great stomach soother. We don’t recommend mixing edibles and mushrooms, though, at least not if you like having a good trip experience.
THC After a Trip
When used after a shroom trip’s peak, which usually happens after a few hours, THC can prolong the experience and help bring you back to Earth. If you consume THC before that, though, you might put yourself at risk of overdoing it.
The Risks of Combining THC and Mushrooms
As far as we know now, there are no serious health risks associated with mixing THC and mushrooms, but no one has really studied their interactions. Based on anecdotal evidence, it seems the worst risk you face is a bad trip. This is not to say a bad trip is no big deal; a bad trip can be alarming, uncomfortable, and sometimes even traumatic.
Simply put, when you add THC to your trip, you’re putting yourself at an increased risk of having a bad time. It’s up to you if that’s a risk you’re willing to take.
Taking this route is certainly not for beginners, though, and it’s important to prepare if you plan to try both at once. Make sure you’re in a good setting and state of mind before your trip begins. It’s also not a bad idea to have a “trip sitter” there to keep you grounded.
What to Do in the Case of a Bad Trip
If you’re having a bad trip, the first thing you should do is take a deep breath. We know that a bad trip is exactly how it sounds: bad. But it’s only temporary, and it will get better with time.
Despite the fact that mushrooms can help lower anxiety overall, a bad trip usually means lots of fear and paranoia. Hallucinations may also occur and make things worse. That’s why having a trip sitter can be so valuable. They can reassure you that the reaction is due to the substances. They can also help you change your setting to something more calming.
You can also take steps to minimize the anxiety your surroundings cause. Try turning on some light music, lighting a candle, or cozying up with your favorite blanket. It might also help to remove any mirrors or cover them up – this can help you avoid jarring hallucinations. Eating some food and sipping water is also a good idea.
Our hope is not to scare you, but we do think it’s important to be transparent about the risks that come with each substance. A bad trip can lead to anxiety attacks, frightening hallucinations, and physical harm. Don’t trip alone if you plan to mix substances. A slip or fall could be enough to cause concern, and you probably won’t be in the best position to reach out for help.
Final Thoughts: Use Mushrooms and THC Responsibly

With great power comes great responsibility. Both THC and mushrooms are powerful substances – treat them as such, and you’ll likely have positive results. We understand the urge to go ham trying to relieve pain, lower anxiety, or simply have a good time. But it’s important to be intentional about what you consume and why. It’s probably best to choose either mushrooms or THC and if you must mix them, do so at appropriate doses with a trusted, sober person nearby.
At The Green Dragon CBD, offering honest information is our mission. We’re here to give you the facts so that you can make informed decisions about your health and wellness. Our door is always open, too. If you have questions or concerns about THC, mushrooms, or both, contact us for a free consultation today.