Can CBD Oil Help Me?
Updated November 2021
It’s natural, it’s affordable, it’s everywhere. It’s CBD oil! Here at The Green Dragon CBD, we talk a lot about the use of CBD and the many varieties of CBD products that we have to offer online and in-store. However, there’s one product category that stands out in popularity compared to many, and that is CBD oil. Every day, more and more CBD brands are working to create high-high-quality CBD oils for their customers. As these begin to develop, research is simultaneously developing to learn more about potential health benefits for CBD oil.
With new findings continuing to emerge, many people are starting to wonder if CBD oil is an answer to their health needs. Do you struggle with chronic pain? Are you looking for overall health balance in your body? Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you dealing with anxiety? Do you have seizures? Have you tried medication after medication and been unable to find something that works? If you’ve begun to answer any of these questions, read on to learn several reasons why CBD oil might benefit you.
How Can CBD Oil Help the Body?
Before we dive into the specific conditions that CBD oil connects to, let’s take a look at the science behind CBD and how it can help the body. Every human body has an Endocannabinoid System (ECS) which plays a key role in keeping your organs and immune system operating at the right level. CBD is a cannabinoid that interacts with the human body’s ECS. Your ECS system can get thrown out of whack due to natural causes such as stress, changes in diet, or any type of irregularity. The reason that CBD connects is that it can help regulate the system and continue to keep things running smoothly. When the ECS stabilizes, it can provide relief and comfort throughout the body.
Beneficial Uses of CBD
As we’ve mentioned, every day brings discoveries on the potential benefits of using CBD. Currently, there are already many studies focusing particularly in how CBD oil may help with conditions anywhere from arthritis to anxiety. If you struggle with chronic pain or any other type of condition, read on. CBD oil may be beneficial for you.
CBD oil helps people with the following issues:
Inflammation - Inflammation is your immune system’s means of fighting off anything that the body believes that is harming it. Infections, injuries, allergies, and more can all trigger your immune system, therefore, causing inflammation as a defense mechanism. However, even though your body is protecting you, it’s still painful and uncomfortable! According to recent studies, CBD oil is believed to be anti-inflammatory, reducing inflammation in pathways of the body. If you are experiencing discomfort and inflammation, then a CBD oil could potentially help alleviate these symptoms.
Arthritis - According to the CDC, In the United States, 23% of all adults, or more than 54 million people, have arthritis. This can be painful and at times even debilitating. CBD oil for arthritis may help due to its anti-inflammatory properties. In a 2016 study, CBD was tested as a treatment on a rat with arthritis. In the conclusion of the study, researchers found potential relief for pain-related symptoms associated with arthritis. However, this hypothesis and research will continue, specifically on humans. Some people with arthritis who have tried CBD report noticeable pain relief, sleep improvement, and/or anxiety reduction.
Chronic Pain - There are many reasons that one may experience chronic pain, but how can CBD oil help? CBD oil for chronic pain is seen as a natural form of treatment. Rather than having to depend on a prescription pill, some may feel more comfortable trying out CBD oil for pain relief. The relief that CBD oil can provide for chronic pain all relates to the body’s ECS system that we talked about a little earlier on. By helping the ECS system to stabilize and reduce inflammation, the immune system can work to fight off pain.
Seizures/Epilepsy - CBD oil has taken great strides for those who personally suffer or have children that suffer from seizures/epilepsy. As many studies continue, more knowledge about the impact of CBD oil for these conditions continues to emerge.
Drug withdrawal symptoms - As the CBD community continues to evolve, many are starting to consider if CBD oil can help in reducing cravings for opioids such as heroin. Studies have shown that CBD can reduce cravings for heroin in both rats and humans, and would be a life-changing option to treat opioid addiction due to its limited side effects. Hopefully, in the future, this is something that will continue to be developed.
Alzheimer’s - Although no research concludes that CBD can cure, stop, or slow down dementia or Alzheimer’s, some still suggest CBD to help manage symptoms that come with these diseases. Specifically, CBD oil has been shown to reduce inflammation, oxygen buildup, and brain cell decline in recent studies.
Anxiety/Depression - CBD oil for anxiety and depression has been looked into in a multitude of ways and has very promising results. Many studies are active, but there is much more to be done. In a study for those with generalized anxiety disorder, CBD shows a reduction in stress in animals as well as lower signs of anxiety. In 2011, a study that looked into CBD’s effects on people with social anxiety disorder received overall reduced anxiety levels in their subjects.
Insomnia - While CBD is commonly used for those that struggle with anxiety, studies also suggest that CBD may help to fall and stay asleep. Many CBD users speak about dramatically improved sleep patterns. In a recent case study, a trial of CBD supplements (25 mg) was initiated at bedtime. “A gradual increase in sleep quality and quantity and a decrease in her anxiety was noted. After 5 months, the patient was sleeping in her room most nights and handling the new school year with no difficulties.”
Sciatica - Sciatica, which is pain caused by the sciatic nerve, can cause pain in the lower back and extend through your leg. This can be a burning pain due to inflammation. CBD oil has been shown to combat the consistent inflammation and pain associated with sciatic nerve pain. Taking CBD oil sublingually for sciatica is a way to immediately enter the bloodstream to provide relief.
Allergies - CBD links to helping with seasonal allergies for several reasons. The first being that, as we know, it is an anti-inflammatory. When you experience an allergic reaction, your body’s natural response is to protect you from this with puffy eyes, inflammation, sneezing, and more. An anti-inflammatory will help to lessen these symptoms. Just like typical allergy medications, CBD proves to be an antihistamine. Studies show that CBD can stop cells from releasing histamines and additionally help with symptoms. CBD is not an instant cure for allergies, but with consistency and daily use, it can work alongside your immune system to help with symptoms all season long.
Asthma - Many suffer from asthma, however not many know that inflammation is one of the main causes of asthma. When one has an asthma attack, the airways in the lungs are inflamed making it harder to breathe. Since CBD is an anti-inflammatory, CBD oil for asthma is beneficial because it allows the airways to expand and make it easier to breathe.

In addition to these conditions listed above, many in the CBD community anticipate that CBD oil can also help with acne, heart health, diabetes (Type 1), and even cancer. As more and more in the community begin to expand testing, we’ll certainly have more answers over the next few years. Not mention, your furry friends may find benefits from CBD oil as well!
Hemp seed oil is another option for a beneficial oil, read more here.
Will CBD Make Me High?
No, CBD will not make you high. The high associated with marijuana is produced by THC, which affects the brain’s endocannabinoid receptors. The brain’s reward system activates to produce dopamine. But CBD does not produce this effect because it doesn’t impact the same receptors as THC and is not psychoactive.
Side Effects
The most common side effects of CBD include tiredness, diarrhea, appetite changes, and gain or loss in weight.
Also, keep in mind that CBD oil may impact the effectiveness of other medications. Consult your doctor about how your medications or supplements may react with CBD. If your medication warns against consuming grapefruit, the risk is higher. We always recommend speaking with a medical professional before beginning to take CBD.
Furthermore, studies relating to CBD apply to adult trials. Studies do not recommend trials for children as there has been little research on how CBD may influence a developing brain.
How Do I Take CBD Oil?
One of the most popular and effective ways to take CBD oil is to take it sublingually. Sublingual means situated or applied under the tongue. Once you have your desired CBD oil and calculate your daily dosage (we’ll talk about this shortly), then it’s time to take it! Typically, one will use a dropper to ingest CBD oil. First, you will take the dropper and place the desired amount under your tongue. Be sure to leave this in your mouth for one to two minutes and move it around the inside of your mouth to ensure that it completely absorbs. Finally, let it sit under your tongue for one more minute and then swallow.

Taking CBD oil sublingually is beneficial for a multitude of reasons. The first being that the effects are much more instantaneous comparing them to other forms such as edibles. When this absorbs under the tongue, it enters directly into your bloodstream. By entering directly into the bloodstream it allows you to take in a higher dosage because higher amounts of CBD will enter your stomach.
What's My Dosage?
Selecting the proper dosage and method of use can seem quite confusing. However, let’s break it down for you. Before identifying the best dosage for you, you’ll need to identify the answers to three very important questions:
- What’s your body weight?
- What’s your tolerance or body chemistry? (This is something that may build to be stronger over time).
- How significantly do you need the effects of CBD? For example, do you suffer from severe chronic pain? Or, are you using this just to combat allergy season?
Typically, an initial recommendation when just starting with CBD oil is 50-100mg/day as a baseline. However, when it’s time for you to decide, you’ll need to consider your own needs and adjust accordingly.
If you’ve gotten your product and you’re looking to calculate the amount per dropper in your bottle of CBD oil, there is a simple equation that can be used.
Amount per dropper = Strength of bottle in milligrams divided by size of the bottle in milliliters
You can learn more about recommended dosage in our full guide.
How Do I Select the Right CBD Oil For Me?
Congratulations! You know a whole lot more about CBD oil. If you’re ready to purchase, do your research. Here at The Green Dragon CBD, our team places value on experience and education. We encourage you to connect with us so that we can guide you in the right direction and educate you about the products that we offer.
When buying CBD oil, look for products that are 100% natural and have third-party lab results available. Any credible CBD brand will have these results available, and will be able to prove that they have the appropriate levels of CBD, THC (should be <0.3%), as well as prove that there are no chemicals or pollutants. We only offer products from brands we trust on our website.
Take a look at our wide variety of CBD oils that we have available.