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How to Roll a Joint

Brie L.

If you’re new to the flower scene, you’ve probably never rolled a joint. Maybe you’ve just always had friends who volunteered to roll your joints. Maybe you’ve always stuck to using glass pieces to enjoy your flower. Whatever the case may be, it’s time to finally learn how to roll a joint. But don’t worry – we’ve got the tips, tricks, and details you need to become a rolling master. 

First Things First: What is a Joint?

A joint is a cigarette-like roll of plant material wrapped in a thin rolling paper, which burns up alongside the flower within. While a joint is typically made with THC-containing flower, it doesn’t have to be; a joint can contain any kind of cannabis flower, like CBD flower.

The word “joint” often has a bad reputation, but in our opinion, it really shouldn’t. When you think of the word “joint,” you might think of parties full of young people rolling up and puff-puff-passing (and hey, no shame in that game!), but there are plenty of other circumstances where joints can be enjoyable, too.

Joint vs. Blunt

Before we dive too deeply into how to roll a joint, let’s first clear up some basic term definitions. Joints are often confused with cannabis blunts, which look and act similar but still have key differences. Make sure you understand which is which so that you can choose the right rolling supplies for your joints.

There’s a simple way to tell if a rolled-up product is a joint or a blunt: take a look at the exterior. Cannabis joints are made with cannabis leaves that have been rolled up using rolling papers, which are typically hemp-based. These papers are thin and typically partially transparent. 

Meanwhile, a cannabis blunt is a hollowed-out cigar that is packed with cannabis leaves. So, a blunt is rolled in a tobacco-leaf “wrap,” which means it typically contains nicotine as well as cannabinoids like THC.

Blunts are normally much thicker than joints, and their distinct wrapping (plus the inevitable aroma of tobacco) helps them stand out.

We won’t be focusing on how to roll a blunt this time around, though the process is pretty similar. Instead, we’ll be looking at the steps you should take to get that perfect, neat roll on your cannabis joints. 

How to Roll a Joint by Hand

Good news, cannabis naturalists: you can roll joints by hand without a bunch of tools. All you need to roll joints by hand is your flower of choice, a filter, and rolling papers. Rolling joints by hand is admittedly a bit difficult, but the more you practice, the better you will be.

Pro Tip: Reduce the mess you make and keep your flower in one place by using a rolling tray as you prepare your joints, whether you roll by hand or using tools.

What You’ll Need

  • Rolling papers (we recommend RAW or Blazy Susan)
  • Crutch, filter, or tip
  • Flower of your choice
  • Optional: Grinder

Step-By-Step Guide to Rolling Joints by Hand

  1. Gather your supplies. 
  2. Grind down your flower with your fingers or your grinder, ensuring you are removing the stems. You don’t want to include the stems in your joint. Grind down as fine as you can; this will help create a smoother burn. 
  3. Grab a filter, crutch, or tip. Set it up by folding it up, accordion-style. This filter will help block the flower bits from getting into your mouth.
  4. Place the filter, crutch, or tip at one end of the rolling paper and fill in the rest of the rolling paper with ground flower. Make sure the flower is nestled next to the filter. 
  5. Form and shape the ground flower into a joint shape. 
  6. Next comes the actual rolling of the joint. Pinch the paper between your fingers and roll it back and forth in order to pack the flower into the traditional cone shape. 
  7. To seal the joint, lick the gum line of the rolling papers and seal with a final roll of the joint between your fingers. 
  8. To finish, pack the open end of the joint with the tip of your finger. Then, grab the loose paper and twist.
  9. Light it up! You are good to go and ready to indulge in your joint!

How to Roll a Joint With a Roller

Rolling a joint with a roller is the easiest way to roll, especially if you’re a beginner. This way requires more tools, though, many of which you can find at your local smoke shop.

What You’ll Need

  • Roller
  • Rolling papers (we recommend RAW or Blazy Susan)
  • Crutch, filter, or tip
  • Flower of your choice
  • Optional: Grinder

Step-By-Step Guide to Rolling Joints with a Roller

  1. Gather all of your supplies.
  2. Break down your flower with your fingers or grinder, ensuring you remove the stems for a smoother burn.
  3. Grab your crutch, tip, or filter. Prepare it by folding it up, accordion-style. Now, you have a filter that will help you block any flower bits from traveling into your mouth. 
  4. Take the roller and open it up, ensuring the bottom roller is facing you. 
  5. Put in the filter as far to the side as you can. 
  6. Start adding your ground flower into the roller, packing it nice and tight next to the filter. 
  7. Once you’ve put in your ground flower, without having it overflow, take the bottom roller and fold it up, tightly securing your flower product along with your filter. 
  8. Slowly and carefully roll that roller towards you. This is how it will pack the flower into the joint shape to prepare for the paper.
  9. Take your paper, ensuring the gum side is facing you. Feed into the roller and roll towards yourself. Make sure the paper is rolling into the roller straight. 
  10.  Once you’re about to the gum strip, lick the gum strip so it will seal the joint. 
  11.  Once the gum is licked, roll it the rest of the way through. Roll a couple of times just to make sure it is properly packed and sealed. 
  12.  Now, you can open your roller and pull out your joint. 
  13.  To finish, pack the open end of the joint with the tip of your finger. Then, grab the loose paper and twist.
  14.  Light it up! Now, you’re ready to partake in your favorite green herb!

Still trying to understand? We’ve got you covered. Check out this brief video tutorial to see the steps in action:

Choosing the Right Flower for Rolling Joints

You can use whatever flower you’d like to use for your joint. As stated previously, a joint can include any type of flower; CBD, CBG, delta-8 THC, delta-9 THC, and more. The only limit is your imagination!

CBD Flower

CBD flower is hemp flower that will not get you high. It’s rich in the cannabinoid known as cannabidiol, or CBD, which is known for its anxiety- and pain-relieving effects. If you want something that will help you unwind, boost your appetite, and get a great night’s sleep (all without causing impairment), CBD joints might be for you. 

Hemp-Derived THC Flower

Legal hemp-derived THC flower is produced by coating premium hemp flower in THC-infused concentrate and kief. Whether you go for hemp-derived delta-9 THC or something like THCa, you can expect THC-based joints to create that classic psychoactive cannabis high.

How Much Flower Should I Use to Roll a Joint?

When you are ready to roll your first joint, ensuring there is enough flower is important. We recommend using about ½ to 1 gram of dried flower. This will be enough to pack your joint but won’t be too much for your rolling papers. 

When you smoke it, try taking a couple of puffs, focusing on how your body and mind are feeling. You should feel the effects within 30 minutes; once you start feeling the effects, you can determine how much more you’d like to smoke from there. 

And remember: always, always, always listen to and concentrate on how your mind and body are reacting to your product and change dosage accordingly. 

Ready To Roll?

There you have it – you now have all the knowledge you need to learn how to roll a joint quickly and efficiently. If you’re ready to start prepping your own joints, whether it be by hand or with a roller, grab your flower and get rolling! Are you having trouble getting the results you want? Not sure where to start? Not sure which flower you need? Contact our team for a free consultation at any time.

How to Roll a Joint
Learn how to roll a joint by hand and using a roller, find out how much flower to use, and get rolling supplies from The Green Dragon CBD.
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The Green Dragon CBD
How to Roll a Joint
February 26, 2025
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